Dir: Robert Schwentke
Cast: Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich, Karl Urban, Mary-Louise Parker
Raitng: **
WHAT'S IT ABOUT: CIA retirees are drawn out of anonymity to fight for their lives as an unknown enemy seeks to silence them... forever.
WHAT'S HOT: Bruce Willis may not have hair on his head, but the guy still has the mojo for action in him. Ditto for Helen Mirren, who I must admit, would be better appreciated if she weren't trying so hard to bring some chutzpah to a pretty one-dimensional trigger- happy
WHAT'S NOT: Well, here's the thing. I found the graphic novel by Warren Ellis and Cully Hamner and published by the Homage Comics imprint for DC's Vertigo Comics. And guess what? The series only
WHAT TO DO: There are so many films that
PS: And in case you're still curious, RED stands for Retired Extremely Dangerous.
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