Having read the entire Harry Potter series I am a fan of the highest order and am a little skeptical towards the movies. Apart from the 1st and 3rd, Harry movies have been a tad disappointing. The 7th edition has been decided to be split into two parts so that none of the details are left out. It would have been better if the 5th and 6th books might have shown some of these concepts and the last installment would have been out and out action.

The movie kicks off from where the last ended. Dumbledore is dead and Voldomort's 'sena' has attacked the muggle world. The ministry is defeated and Voldomort has a license to kill Harry. Harry is distraught after Dumbledore's death and seeks out with Ron and Hermoine to hunt down the horcruxes and destroy them one by one. During his journey he learns about the 3 deathly hallows, an elder wand (the most powerful wand in the wizardry world), a resurrection stone that can bring back the dead and an invisibility cloak. All three put together are enough to defeat Death. The movie ends with Voldomort discovering that it was Dumbledore who possessed the elder wand last and opens up his grave to claim the elder wand for himself. The saga will take off from here to unveil some secrets in the final installment of Harry.

I remember when I had finished reading the deathly hallows, the feeling was like something or someone's life's journey had ended in my real life. I was so attached to the characters that they were a part of my life. For some reason I have not been able to connect to the cinematic characters to that extent due to which I am never overwhelmed by the HP movies.

Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint share the maximum screen time in this one. All of them do a decent job. Rupert Grint steals the show as far as acting is concerned.

Screenplay writer Steve Kloves and director David Yates stay true to the book and bring the pages to visual scenes. I must admit attention to detail is given for the first time in a Harry Potter series but they had the leisure of splitting this book into 2 parts. The core story for the Deathly Hallows by Rowling is so mind blowing that it would take some really bad direction to screw it up and if one does so it would be a sin as far as HP fans are concerned.

All said and done this is one of the better Harry Potter movies that have been churned out in the recent past.


HP fan? You dont need this review to watch it.
Love effects? Watch it in an IMAX screen
Love fantasy movies? Don't miss
Hate HP series? You don't need a review to NOT watch it.

Repeat Value: Several times.


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